formerLamb of God drummer Chris Adler released a new band called Shallow Rising. There is a vocalist in the group Alex Villarrealguitarist Tim Osenforthbass guitar Taylor Brandtand keyboard master Tim King.

on the formation of surface elevation, Adler spoke to recently Fluid conversations saying he wanted to do something new. Or in his own words. “It was an interesting process, not only removing myself from bands that I felt were amazing and I liked everything about, but it ended up being pretty unhealthy.” Adler doesn’t specify which bands he’s talking about, but he’s actually only been in three over the past decade; Lamb of God, nitro From 2016 to 2018 and so on Leader.

“Well, it was an interesting process, not only removing myself from bands that I felt were amazing and I liked everything about, but ultimately it was pretty unhealthy,” he said. Adler as transcribed Blabbermouth. “So getting myself out of that, and I had this really weird serendipitous opportunity to do a project in Nashville, just like a session player.

“And so I go out there like most guys do as session players, you just show up and do what you have to do. And I met Tim Osenforthand he and I just got along, like, we just vibrated right. There was something about the company’s wavelength that made sense, and we’ve been in touch ever since. He approached me and said: “Hey, I have this thing going on with a bunch of guys and I’d like you to get involved. Let’s go to Los Angeles and record some drums.

“So I go to Los Angeles, and in my mind I’m like, So I go there and he plays me the tracks and I go in and record them and then we get to the third song and I’m like I don’t want to call it “friendly” but it’s a different animal than me I thought I was hired.

“So we kind of changed, or at least in my mind, we changed the perspective and just talked about it for a good while and kind of turned it into something that I think is wildly different than anything I’ve ever done and really special. It’s something that has a lot of heart… It has all the elements that we love in metal, but it also has a really positive message and a lot of love, which I’ve obviously missed. for a long time.

“So it was a real pleasure not only to find company teambut to do something a little outside of the expected.’

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