Establishment Compliance Corrosion bass player Mike Dean left the group. dean played Compliance Corrosion 1982 to 1987, 1993 to 2006, then 2010 to present. dean He cites the physical distance between him and his bandmates as the reason, as well as the fact that it is difficult to create new material due to the founding drummer. Reid Mullindeath in 2020

“Recently I made a decision to leave Compliance Corrosionthe band was founded 40 odd years ago Reid Mullin, Woody Weathermanand me,” he wrote dean. “I’m extremely proud of what we’ve done together and look forward to hearing more from the band.

“When I reconnected COC: for the finishing touches Release album, I returned to Raleigh, NC for an all-out creative spree, but time, distance, and side projects and life in general have changed all that. since Reed: I left the band and then moved on, finding it difficult to collaborate on new material with bandmates who live hundreds of miles away.

“I’m looking forward to creating a new Raleigh-based outlet to create new music with more enthusiasm and more emphasis on my own ideas than in recent times. I’m also looking forward to continuing to record and produce other artists. the best Woodrow, Pepperetc COC: crew, and most importantly, a very big thank you to the fans of all iterations of the band who have made this happen over the years. Long live!

“P.G. Stay tuned here for links and more information.”

Compliance Corrosion released a statement accompanying Dean’s announcement saying that they wish Dean all the best while noting that Compliance Corrosion not finished

“We Woodrow and: Peppereven with full support dean‘s future endeavors and wish him all the best in his endeavours. Thank you for the music you created and the evolutionary paths you created.

“That being said, this book Corrosion not finished, who will stop the train? The opportunity to play and create music is something we do not take lightly and will not hesitate to do. New COC: the recording is well underway and will be released in 2025.

“Much love and respect to all the free-thinking beer drinking friends and fans around the world who want to brew more. Without you, we’re just going deaf in the garage. See you on the horizon! Stay tight, stay hard.”

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