You may remember Anthony Madou from a video that went viral in June 2020. Shared to millions on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) by celebrities such as Viola Davis and Cynthia Erivo, the video captured 11-year-old Madou dancing barefoot and in the rain on back street in Nigeria – and even then the elements couldn’t dampen his towering balloon.
Soon, millions more will see not only Madhu’s talent, but also his story, which is currently unfolding at one of England’s most prestigious dance training venues. Elmhurst Ballet School.
Coming to Disney+ on March 29, Madhu: follows a young dancer’s journey from Lagos to Birmingham and the highs and lows of settling into the rigorous dance classes, academics and social life of Elmhurst. We caught up with the film’s star about moving away from his family, his career aspirations and what he hopes other dancers take away from the documentary.
Let’s go back to when it all started. this viral video. What inspired you to shoot it?
I wasn’t actually the one who filmed it; my old dance teacher: [Daniel Ajala] I did I wasn’t meant to be in class that day. I just took a class because I was bored. My teacher decided to film it and posted it on Instagram and: boom!
And that moment catapults you into another country. What is the experience of moving and living abroad?
When I first moved to England, it felt amazing, but at the same time it was a bit difficult because of the change in weather, not having a home, food and stuff like that. But I think I’m actually used to things here.
Can you talk a little about your early ballet training?
When I started going to ballet in: [Leap of Dance Academy]I went to a lesson on Saturday, only in the morning. But as time went on I started going to classes a little more during the week and after school. And on the weekends I trained from 8 am to about 5 pm. It was quite difficult because it is really sunny in Nigeria, but I think it was worth it.
During your studies in Nigeria and now in England, have you encountered any negative attitudes towards being a male-identifying dancer?
I am not into it now because we have more male ballet dancers here than in Nigeria, which has been very good for me. When I was in Nigeria, I kind of felt bullied for doing ballet. It really wasn’t seen as something one should do.
For those dancers dealing with the same type of injury, and others who just dream of pursuing a career in dance, what do you hope they take away from watching this film?
That they should never give up. They should forget about negativity, think more about how far they want to go and always remember that it doesn’t really matter what people say; it only matters what you do and how you do it.
Are there any dancers who have been a source of inspiration in your ballet journey?
When I trained in Nigeria, I looked at: [American Ballet Theatre’s] Calvin Royal III. It was nice to have someone you could look up to and look at and say, “I want to be like that someday.” But today – and I’m not saying this because he’s my current ballet teacher – I would say [Joshua Barwick]. He is diligent, kind and wants to know [his students]. He speaks to us.
What’s next for you?
This is difficult. The movie made me think a lot. I could stick to classical ballet entirely, but I’m also interested in contemporary dance. When I came to Elmhurst, where we take contemporary classes every week, I felt like I was finding a new thing that I loved. And I think that’s one of the best parts of life is realizing things that you never thought would happen. I like contemporaries because you can do more movements than with ballet. You can try loads of weird stuff. I am also interested in acting.
Looks like you’ve been bitten by the cinematic bug. How was your shooting experience?
The camera crew and creative team were amazing. at the beginning [filming] It felt a little weird, but then I got used to it. I recently watched the movie with the whole school and I actually thought it was pretty good. I cried a bit in one scene – it was when I left my family in Nigeria to come to the UK. I felt like the feeling of leaving my family came back. There was five minutes of applause during the closing credits. I didn’t expect so many people to enjoy it as much as they did, which made me cry again. It was really exciting.