High fashion that dips its toes in the metal water usually falls into two categories. prohibitively expensive while looking very average, and prohibitively expensive while looking like a blind second grader’s project.
This sweatshirt from Vetements falls squarely into the latter Diablo cover Ensiferium logo, composition Eye Hate Godof Southern Disturbance, Earthworkof Stabbing the Dramaand a patch below Diablo cover that I can’t identify in something that I personally would pay $15 for if I saw it at a thrift store.
Apart from the fact that it looks terrible, before Earthwork drummer By Dirk Verbeu noticed this and asked a question to his followers.
“Metalheads, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this @vetements_official outfit, including @soilwork’s Stabbing The Drama cover by @mirceaeftemie, as well as other (sometimes slightly modified) band logos and art . $1,600 Many of you have probably noticed this metal image recycling/stealing fashion trend.
“So… Fashion or total spoilage? What do you think?”
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