In the grim future of DC Comics The Dark Knight Returns universe, Batman is a grizzled rebel hero fighting against a corrupt institution that seeks to suppress and control. Flash tapped to aid his crusade in a way no other hero could. Finally jumping into the fray with Batman, Barry Allen, aka The Flash, gets a new costume that could have been his best ever if not for a certain design choice.

One cannot change his superhero look too often, The Flash has subtly honed its iconic red and yellow spandex set over the yearsWith an updated version of his signature New 52 suit, complete with lightning-filled grooved accents, this scarlet speedster’s current design.

The Dark Knight Strikes Again The Flash reveals his ring costume and talks to Catwoman while wearing it.

But in The Dark Knight strikes againA sequel to the seminal Batman story The Dark Knight Returns, The Flash unveils a nasty new black-out costume, somewhat marred by an odd design choice that sees Barry wearing short sleeves and short shorts.

The Flash needs a full bodysuit version of him The Dark Knight Returns Design

The Dark Knight strikes again – 2002 (written and illustrated by Frank Miller)

Flash standing in Utah after running with Catwoman by his side

Forced to constantly run to provide energy for “a third of the country”, this dark futuristic version of the Flash gets his new look after rescuing Batman’s protégé, Caroline Keen Kelly, from his cardio prison. Handing over his signature Flash ring that his suit contains, Barry quickly reveals it A new superhero suit that gives him a black short-sleeved Flash-branded top, black runner shorts, yellow lighting bolt accents, and yellow sneakers. Noticing the change, Carrie tells Barry that “the old design was really…old,” giving the Flash a cool new look that almost succeeds in his unique design.

A look that is pretty solid at a base level, It’s Barry’s incredibly short shorts, sleeves and hairy arms that evoke a smile when first seeing this design.The material that keeps this set of spandex from being one of Flash’s best superhero costumes Extends the sleeves and legs into a more traditional flash bodysuit (and maybe adds some of those stylish lightning bolts) An update has been made The Dark Knight Returns The costume retains the superhero simplicity of The Flash’s iconic design, which has already been presented here. While staying close to what has practically worked for the character since his inception.

Short sleeves and shorts are not flash black The Dark Knight Returns Custom Justice

Flash standing next to a dinosaur communicating with Batman on his wrist

to be fair Flash short sleeves and short shorts is Close to what real runners, marathoners and gym cardio enthusiasts wear Time to sweat another mile, but in the context of the superhero genre, it looks a little more silly and under-designed, almost as if Flash himself is out running for fun rather than in the heat of battle. . Regardless, this design begs to be reconsidered by DC Comics as it stands, Flashof The Dark Knight Returns Custom greatness just falls short.

The Dark Knight strikes again
Available from DC Comics.

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