[Warning: The following story contains major spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2.]

no matter what Red Dead Redemption 2 is played Arthur Morgan always contracted tuberculosis and died At the end of the game. Although this event comes later in the story, there is a specific scene that makes it clear when Arthur catches it, but it may not be obvious during one’s first playthrough.

Tuberculosis (commonly called TB) is an infection caused by bacteria that often targets the lungs or another part of the body that receives a lot of blood and oxygen. Like many common pathogens, TB bacteria are airborneAnd transmission can be spread when an infected person coughs or talks.

Although there is now a cure for tuberculosis, In the late 1800s there were barely any available options for those unfortunate enough to contract the disease.when Red Dead Redemption 2 As per Arthur’s doctor’s advice, the best treatment was to live somewhere warm and dry, but simply packing up and leaving was not an option for those in dire financial straits. Most people who were unlucky enough to be infected succumbed to their illness, and Arthur Morgan, an example of this, eventually succumbed to the infection. of Red Dead Redemption 2 the story If he doesn’t get killed by Micah first.

When did Arthur get tuberculosis?

In the story of RDR2, Arthur is diagnosed with TB early on

throughout the second half Red Dead Redemption 2It becomes clear that Morgan is sick thanks to his constant coughing and pale complexion. A doctor at St. Denis confirmed Arthur Morgan’s diagnosis of tuberculosisAnd as the game’s conclusion approaches, Arthur becomes slower and less agile, with gameplay consistent with how his body and abilities would degrade in real life.

This revelation was set up very early Red Dead Redemption 2Its story, however, as Arthur is suffering from TB time”Money Debt and Other Sins III “Mission. During the search, the The van der Linde gangIts loan shark, Leopold Strauss, tasks Arthur with collecting loans from various people in a rather uncomfortable sequence that finds many of them begging for mercy as Arthur takes what little they have left to repay the loan.

One of these men was Thomas Downes, who, like many others who crossed the gang’s path, made the mistake of borrowing money from Strauss, and Arthur found him working in his garden when he came to collect the dues. It becomes clear Downs is sick as he is seen coughing throughout their conversationBut the game forces Arthur to have an interaction with Downes until Downes splashes blood in Arthur’s face. His family intervenes, begging for mercy and explaining that the Downes are no good until Arthur leaves, saying that the van der Lindes “Do you have a charity?

Canonically, Arthur beats Thomas Downes, as explained in later dialogue, but even if the player doesn’t attack him and only uses threats and intimidation, it’s impossible to stop Downes from coughing up Arthur and giving him TB.

Arthur’s TB diagnosis is set up throughout the story of RDR2

Arthur’s death is inevitable

Arthur Morgan faces the sun as he dies

If players choose to have Arthur use violence during his interactions with Thomas Downes, his beating can cause him to cough up blood. however, Coughing up blood is also one of the main symptoms of TB. Arthur barely paid attention to the blood on his face at the time, but seemingly, this moment sets up the fact that Downs has TB, and also confirms that he gave it to Arthur, as someone coughing up infected blood in the mouth is confirmed. way to give them tuberculosis RDR2 As well as in real life.

Downes is heard coughing near Valentine’s stables long before Arthur is sent to collect his debt, and to further demonstrate his good nature, he is the one who breaks up Valentine’s early brawl. the game

Next time Arthur returns to the Downes family home of Red Dead Redemption 2 Story, he learns Thomas Downes died of his illness. Although Arthur initially insists that Thomas’s wife and son are responsible for the debt, later in the play—when Arthur finally sees Downes’ widow working as a prostitute in the town—that scene takes him Get out Leopold Strauss Van der Linde’s gang for good, as he finally realizes the damage Strauss sows wherever he goes. Unfortunately, despite showing some signs of redemption, at this point Arthur has already contracted tuberculosis, eventually paving the way for the play’s conclusion.

Can you save Arthur Morgan?

Can Arthur’s TB be cured in RDR2?

Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2
Custom illustration by Katarina Cymbaljevic

Unfortunately, no matter what the players do, Arthur cannot be cured RDR2. It doesn’t matter if they have high or low esteem, quit smoking, or drink every health tonic they can get their hands on; Arthur’s death is essentially inevitable. After contracting TB from Thomas Downs, Arthur can only sit back and watch as his disease progresses throughout the play. His symptoms worsen, and he begins to come to terms with his own mortality, eventually dying during the story mission.”Red Dead Redemption

How Arthur dies depends on his honor. If it is skewed, he will be stabbed by Micah; If it is higher, he will die relatively peacefully of TB.

Although Arthur cannot be saved by any player action, The player’s life may be artificially prolonged due to inactivity. Some tried to keep Arthur alive.”Our best sales“Mission Directly Ahead”Red Dead Redemption“Others tried to close the story and keep her relatively unaffected by TB.”Momentary pleasure,” which is immediately followed by his passing out and final diagnosis “A fork in the road“Still others started an entirely new playthrough, choosing to lose all their progress rather than watch Arthur die.

Some have turned around again Mode that allows Arthur to liveReversing the course of history. In particular, “Arthur Redemption,” Uploaded to Nexus Mods by Redpedesis A full story mode that allows Arthur to finally overcome his destined death RDR2. This mod replaces the transition to the conclusion with a new set of story chapters, where Arthur begins to find a cure for his TB and is able to embark on a new adventure. He must reunite the fractured group in Dutch’s absence, ensuring their mutual survival while atoning for their legacy. Since all side content remains untouched in this mode, players can continue to control Arthur as long as they want.

While all of these decisions allow Arthur to stay alive in the eyes of the player, and still explore most of the map via free roam, it means missing out on some of the best – if saddest – parts. RDR2the story of Arthur will eventually die at the end of the game regardless of the player’s actions; It is an important part of the plot and an expression of its themes. Whether he spends his last days honorably or dishonorably is up to the player, and these choices will decide whether Arthur survives his final minutes. Red Dead Redemption 2 Violent or peaceful.

Source: RedPeds/Nexus Mod

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