Marvel’s The new superhero officially emerges, Phil Coulson, the consummate SHIELD agent, returns from the dead. Bears a new Infinity Stone – Just in time Thanos will lead the Avengers within the year Infinity Watch This shocking twist in the crossover instantly transformed the iconic MCU character In a Marvel powerhouse. Now, he’s finally unleashed his powers, showing fans exactly what he’s capable of.

The Incredible Hulk 2024 Annual #1 was the back-up story, “The Death Stone Saga, Chapter Six” – written by Derek Landy, with art by Sarah Pichelli – where Phil Coulson finally decides to use his new Marvel powers. When Nighthawk threatens Nick Fury’s life, its driver The most powerful Infinity Stone You decide to use his powers to threaten Nighthawk in return.

Phil Coulson threatens Nighthawk as he chokes Nick Fury

Readers — and Coulson, for that matter — still don’t know what Coulson can or can’t do with his newfound powers, but as readers eagerly anticipate the next chapter, it doesn’t hurt to speculate.

Phil Coulson is ready to use his new powers as a cosmic Marvel hero

The Incredible Hulk 2024 Annual #1, back-up story “The Death Stone Saga, Chapter Six” – written by Derek Landy; Art by Sara Pichelli, Mattia Iacono and Travis Lanham of VC

In an effort to protect his friend, Coulson decides to put his untested powers to the test. A dark essence flows from his hands and glows and his eyes turn black.

In both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the official Earth-616 comics canon, Phil Coulson gained fame as a who loved heroes and was one. A black eye for his legacy was the “Heroes Reborn” storyline, which saw Coulson return from the dead as a supervillain who wields the Pandemonium Cube, Banish the Avengers from existence and named himself President of the United States. This is ultimately undone and No one—not even Phil—remembers his evil deeds…except Nighthawk. That’s why when Coulson revives again, Nighthawk is eager to take him down for good.

Thanks to a trusty pagerNick Fury rushes to his friend’s rescue, but not before falling into Nighthawk’s clutches. In an effort to protect his friend, Coulson decides to put his untested powers to the test. A dark essence flows from his hands and glows and his eyes turn black. Fury is certainly impressed by the sight, but knowing for the first time that Coulson is using powers he doesn’t fully understand yet, Nighthawk isn’t worried. The issue ends with Coulson beaming this darkness from Nighthawk’s direction.

The Death Stone is ranked as the most powerful Infinity Stone and Fury claims that
“Bright energy is the best energy”
Coulson doubles down on the idea of ​​exponential power driving.

The extent of Phil Coulson’s new powers remains a mystery – even to him

Coulson’s highly anticipated return asks more questions than it answers

Phil Coulson reveals his new powers to Knight as he captures Nick Fury

It’s still hard to say exactly what Phil can do with his powers, though Considering that he derives his powers from the Death Stone, it might be safe to assume that these powers lead to instant death. For whoever opposes him. The Death Stone is ranked as the most powerful Infinity Stone and Fury claims that “Bright energy is the best energy” Coulson doubles down on the idea of ​​exponential power driving. Readers will have to wait for the next one Marvel Coulson’s story is a cohesive issue, but Nighthawk could be in serious trouble the next time readers see him.

The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024

Available now from Marvel Comics.

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