If you are deep Spiritbox:With a dynamic and diverse discography, it’s evident that the Canadian band draws from a wide range of influences.

It becomes even more obvious if you read the last interview Metal hammer where? Spiritbox:the main vocalist of Courtney LaPlante highlighted his music’s various inspirations for their music 10 albums that changed my life series. Among the most significant ones. System Of A Downof ToxicityA 2001 album that profoundly shaped his approach to songwriting.

Toxicity came out in 2001, but it wasn’t until a few years later that I started really hearing how wild that album was.” LaPlante was revealed. “It’s still one of the weirdest albums I’ve ever heard. The way everything is recorded, it doesn’t feel super and clicky, it sounds wild and like a real band performance. It began to teach. To me, you can have all the different colors of your voice in one song, you can have a beautiful song, scream crazy, and then talk aggressively fast.”

LaPlante highlighted the band’s uncompromising approach to their music. “System Of A Down are such an inspiration to me to never compromise on their sound. I first started with singles and when I was older I heard ‘Prison Song’, ‘Deer Dance’ etc and that’s when I started making my own material. So those songs really inspired me to start playing with heavier music.”

ToxicityThe rawness and unpredictability of left a lasting impression LaPlanteinspiring her to experiment with the extremes of her vocal range and adding emotional depth to her performance.

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