ghost story A series with a hilarious dub that has aged terribly, but I still love it. Generally, the ideal way to watch an anime is to understand the full context of its story with Japanese subtitles. However, there are times when a series can have a fantastic dub that is just as good if not better than the original. Case in point is ghost storyA horror comedy series with a fantastic story behind its unique dub

when ghost story Originally set to be dubbed for an English-speaking audience, ADV Films has surprisingly given artists Plenty of room to recreate the story as they saw fit. The only exception was retaining the basic story structure and character names from the original show. What resulted was a dub that deviated from the original anime’s story with a surprising amount of dark comedy. This makes the series one of the most sought-after dubs for any anime fan. However, while viewers like myself still find the humor in this dub, it has aged pretty horribly over the years.

Ghost story character looking at camera

most of ghost story‘ The humor is dated by today’s standards

The ADV Films dub is a product of its time

A character from the anime series Ghost Story.

The biggest problem that many modern viewers may have is viewing time ghost story How blue can a dub comedy be for the first time. ADV Films doubt ghost story Officially released in the mid-2000s and it shows. There are non-stop jokes that can be quite offensive to the LGBTQ+ and disabled community. For example, the youngest character in the series, Keichiru, is often the butt of the show’s humor for being “special needs”, one of his most notable jokes being signing up for the Special Olympics.

“Artists have moved on from this unexpected brand of humor to punch up with their jokes, rather than punch down.”

There is no regret in making these off-color jokes, like many American comedy films released around the same time. Artists thrive on this unexpected brand of humor to punch up with their jokes, without punching down. Some sections of society face constant problems with their peers every day for being different, and are constantly ridiculed in the media as others mock them for something they cannot control. This is why many comedies these days have moved away from these absurdist jokes to focus on finding humor elsewhere.

There is still much to love ghost story

When the jokes hit, they hit hard

Despite some humor in between ghost story Being quite dated, there is still much to enjoy throughout the series. That’s one thing the series does well Poking fun at common anime tropes. Sometimes this is directly addressed, other times the tropes may be exaggerated through the show’s characters. The most famous example is undoubtedly Satsuki from the ADV Films dub. In the original series, he opens the door to being partially psychic, a line of communication with the world of the dead. In the dub, the production team took this trope even further by turning him A born again Christian who mentions his faith in every single line.

what ghost story The dub also benefits from a witty observation of pop culture with its various scripts. There are regular mile-a-minute jokes referencing TV shows, movies, trends, and even real-life people. While it usually dates a series back in time, the distribution of these jokes makes it an interesting time capsule. The series is a dub of an anime that originally premiered in Japan in 2000, so what was supposed to be a timeless story of kids solving terrifying mysteries family manParodies like this work wonderfully.

D ghost story The dark humor of the dub probably saved the anime from fading into obscurity

If the dub is an ideal translation, this anime will be forgotten

The cast of Ghost Stories screams at the haunted schoolhouse

For the most interesting thing about the English dub ghost story How does this prevent anime from becoming lost media? Although it did quite well in Japan, the original series is notorious for not being all that great with a pretty standard story mixed with other horror anime.. However, when it was officially dubbed in America, the spotlight was on the show.

The crass humor made it stand out among other dubs released in the 2000s, especially those originally from a family-friendly show. The jokes were an incredible hit at the time, allowing anime fans to relive their favorite moments today in various supercuts of hilarious moments found across YouTube.

The series would eventually be recognized forever, even though it wasn’t intended to be at the time of its release. The dub eventually made its way to influencing content creators online to create their own “abridged” versions of various anime, some even surpassing the quality of the original shows like Something Witty Entertainment. Sword Art Online Short. By today’s standards, ghost story May be horribly dated, but it’s influence has been mixed over the years with an abundance of humor that still works it’s endeared me over the years.

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