A winner connection Easier than winning a lottery, every day is a new opportunity and success is not exclusive to one person. Although it may be easier than taking an astronomical chance, you Using our formulas to help speed you on your way can increase your chances. Today, your success will likely depend on how familiar you are with the concepts you choose, but we can even that playing field by giving you the right formula.

If you enjoy connectionYou may want to try it every day Vertex In puzzles, it’s also about connecting the dots. In this case, however, that’s about it Literally connecting the dots by drawing a line between them. Connect enough, and you’ll create a very beautiful picture that looks very different from the previous collection of dots. By far, my favorite version of this was a beautiful coffee pot in blues and greens.

Today’s Connection section hints

22 September #468

Pastel September 22nd in Connection category

Today’s puzzle will be recognizing some patterns for some very specific things. You need to be at least somewhat familiar with the categories to guess them, which is true with every puzzle, but in this case, Categories are not only dependent on your knowledge of definitions rather what the words are associated with. This can sometimes make the puzzle more challenging, so we have some hints for you to make it easier:

  • A category is about the type of something used most often in the industry.
  • A category is about the options you can find in a particular type of menu.
  • A category is something that takes some luck.
  • A category is about four words that can all refer to a single word.

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Spelling Bee puzzles created as a New York Times game create a series of correct answers to get you more points, but they can be hard to keep.

If you want to do more, you can ensure your victory Looking for department name. In today’s case, that’s probably all you need to finish the puzzle, but we still have spoilers and some explanations if you feel you need them.

A yellow connection game bar

color type

A green connection game bar

File menu option

A blue connection game bar

A chance to win a prize

A purple connection game bar

What could “bronze” mean?

Today’s connection is the answer

22 September #468

Pastel North in Connection September 22

Yellow Answer: Revealed and Explained

A yellow connection game bar

color type


the neon


the cake

This category has a nice color pattern and the spot was more obvious for me than it might have been. GRAYSCALE is a fancy word for everyday conversation, and This is exactly the kind of sound that can make it easy to spot a pattern. Neutrals can be the hardest for non-artists to identify, because they’re not just one color. However, it also refers to colors that can go with almost anything. I personally find color theory interesting and it helped me here.

Green answer: published and explained

A green connection game bar

File menu option





Your acquaintance with Document menu option This section would be important to solve without help, but I spend a lot of time on endless Word documents. Print and Save caught my attention here and made me look for other options related to computer menus. Today, no other words fit the bill for this category outside of that four. This makes it a little less frustrating to solve and may lead to fewer wrong guesses.

Blue Answer: Revealed and Explained

A blue connection game bar

A chance to win a prize


the lottery

the pool


I noticed this category before I got the green category, seeing mostly lotteries and raffles together. Drawing was next, POOL gave me the most trouble. There weren’t many words that might fit, but the use of the word is as rare as I’ve heard. It didn’t take long, but I was stunned for a moment while looking at the remaining words. When you’re stuck, the best thing to do is to do it Look at each word and dismiss the ones that don’t make sense to find the winner.

Purple Answer: Revealed and Explained

A purple connection game bar


the answer

the answer

the answer

the answer

I got to the end because I was able to find the other one first, but I felt like I should have seen it earlier. SCULPTURE AND ALLOY. Solving a puzzle is never a bad thing and I was happy to finish it. SUNTAN and the third came to me a little slower after I saw the final four words and then I realized what they both meant. Either way, that’s another puzzle down and one more for tomorrow.

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